5 Quotes & Sayings By Laila Ibrahim

Laila Ibrahim is an Afghan-American author and speaker, best known for her bestselling memoir, A Pinch of Salt. She is the author of five books, including her memoir about growing up in Afghanistan, A Pinch of Salt (2012) (winner of the 2013 PEN Center USA Literary Award for Autobiography). Her most recent book, The Secrets We Keep (2017), is a collection of stories that illuminate everyday life in Afghanistan. Laila has also written articles for various publications, including The New York Times Read more

She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

The joy of a simple life is the greatest satisfaction.
The joy of a simple life is the greatest satisfaction. Laila Ibrahim
Do you care for any contemporary authors?” Matthew inquired. “I adore Jane Austen.” Matthew nodded. “I find her portrait of British society so accurate and yet so dreadful.” “I agree. It must be awful to be so bound by what society expects, ” Lisbeth answered. “I am so glad to have been born in America, where one has freedom. Laila Ibrahim
This country was founded with the understanding that we shall be allowed to hold slaves. It was a condition of the formation. That shall not change regardless of the rhetoric coming from the North. Laila Ibrahim
Then Mattie journeyed away from her home toward freedom and her family, leaving behind the bones of generations of her ancestors and their captors Laila Ibrahim